Text Gadget Is Broken : Blogger Blog
I am seeing complaints from bloggers about Text gadeget, we've had anxious blog owners unable to create or update the Text gadgets on their blogs.
The "Save" button is not working, on my Text gadget!
or maybe
I see Javascript void(0) when hitting Save!
Blogger actually fixed this problem, earlier this month - and it broke again, shortly afterwards. Not everybody understands that seeing "javascript:void(0);" is a symptom of the problem - not the problem itself.
This problem, fortunately, has a reasonably effective workaround.
The HTML / JavaScript gadget, and the Text gadget, are virtually the same gadget.
If you add an HTML gadget, using "Add a Gadget" - and you select "Rich Text", when setting the gadget up, - you will have a Text gadget.
Just be careful - when you have a Text gadget, the place where you selected "Rich Text" will read "Edit Html". If you click on "Edit Html", you'll have an HTML / JavaScript gadget, which will then read "Rich Text".
If you want a Text gadget, make sure that the gadget label reads "Edit Html". It's that simple.
This will not resolve every problem.
The inability to update existing Text gadgets continues to be a problem.
The similar inability to update Linklists has no workaround.
This is simply a small workaround - but a useful one, where applicable.
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